Zoom Indigo Diamond Rug
Zoom Indigo Diamond Rug
Zoom Indigo Diamond Rug
Zoom Indigo Diamond Rug

Indigo Diamond Rug


Our 100% cotton rug is made in India. We use natural Indigo dyes through a process called BATIK, also known as WAS RESIST. These treatments are labour intensive and require the best handwork to maintain quality & consistency.


120 X 180 cm


The Indigo rug can be machine washed at 40 degrees, but we recommend you handwash separately.


Indigo natural dye will always bleed a bit when you wash it. Please make sure that when you do wash it, you wash it on its own.

At Kewa, we are trying to be more conscious of our processes and products. As a testament to sustainability, if you have any issues that can be repaired by our facilities (after consultation with us), we will repair it for free. We just ask you to take care of postage sending the product to us and we will send it back for free.


At Kewa, we are trying to be more conscious of our processes and products. As a testament to sustainability, if you have any issues that can be repaired by our facilities (after consultation with us), we will repair it for free. We just ask you to take care of postage sending the product to us and we will send it back for free.